Friends, this aerodynamic project is a very good but a little bit care taking project.
This exhibit must be handled with care while making and also using as some of your precious utilities may be used that are more important.
But don't worry a good explanation while demonstrating it will definitely make u win ||| So enjoy this one and subscribe to our blog..
Material Required : -
- Thermocole/ Ply Wood, Dia-1.5 ft & 1/2 in thick
- Air Propelling Machine (Vacuum Cleaner)
- Plastic Sheet, Dia-1.5 ft
- Small Metallic Plates
- Bolts & Nuts
- High Adhesive Tape
- Power Supply Extension Board
Procedure : -
- Cut the disk in circular or octagonal shape.
- Drill a 5/16 in hole in the exact center and make sure that the 2 in bolt easily passes through it.
- Make a hole in the ply wood which exactly fits the end of your vacuum cleaner hose.
- This hole must be placed at the center of the disk& place the mouth of the vacuum cleaner on it.
- Fit perfectly the vacuum cleaner so that there should not be any leaks.
- Lay the disk on the center of plastic sheet.
- Fold the edges of the sheet up over the disk.
- Use the adhesive tape to stick it to the top of the disk so that the plastic should be tight against the wood.
- Put the vacuum cleaner over the disk.
- Fix the plastic sheet properly so that there is no leak.
- Put the clamps at the bottom.
How it Works : -
The air inflates the plastic which pushes upon the floor. This lifts the entire hovercraft. The clamps provides "strain relief" for the plastic sheet, so that the inflated plastic sheet doesn't tear loose from the center & also lifts up the plastic so that air can pass through the vent holes. The air then leaks along the floor and out from the edges of the hovercraft. This creates a "Air Film Bearing" which has very low friction. The plastic isn't touching the floor. Instead it is riding on a thin layer or "film" which is made out of it.Suggestion : -
- Attach a long rope to the hovercraft and let it trail behind. That way it can be grabbed if it starts going too fast in the wrong direction.
- Even better use an A/C powered leaf blower or vacuum cleaner, and have a adult remain near the wall outlet.
- If the hovercraft moves too fast, put off the power plug.
- You can even fix a seating arrangement on top of the hovercraft.
nice one
gud 1
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